feeling nefarious

tansy “chromatic” @chromxtic

New Zealand

Joined on 3/26/21

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hey all! it's been a while.

i've been pretty busy with everything in the last couple months. my last year of high school has just started up again so back to my school duties. i never ended up doing a recap of 2022 because i felt like i hadn't done enough to make a full post dedicated to it!! goddamn!

however despite that, many cool things happened during 2022 which made it a pretty neat year. first up was all the art i had made throughout the year. i feel like i improved a lot and i'm starting to make pieces im actually proud of, which is a great start. 2022 was also the year i TRULY got into nightmare cops (THIS IS YOUR FAULT CHIP), as it's probably the game i've made the most fanart for ever in my life, and it isn't even out yet!! my first post to kick it off was this fanart of chris. around this time i had also joined the godforsaken nightmare cops discord server that a few fellas created, and it has been the bane of my existence ever since (just kidding i love you guys).

ever since that post, you can definitely see how my art from then on has been somewhat influenced by the game considering like 80% of my recent art has been fanart so that's cool.

nothing much happened during the year as school kept me pretty busy, that was until christmas time came along and i applied to be a part of this year's tankmas adventure!!

i made a pretty big piece featuring some of my favourite newgrounds characters having a drink and a good time.

around december i had also joined a few other projects, but i gotta keep my involvement under wraps for now :]. i also got covid 3 consecutive times during the year so i've pretty much developed an immunity at this point.

but now we get to the good part.

a large chunk of my christmas holidays and january has been spent working on a personal project of mine, a still unnamed game i've been developing and currently, is playable! this had been a really tough project to work on, as i have no experience in programming language and mediocre animation and pixel art skills. it's been a wild ride. it's being developed in gamemaker studio 2, with art done in aseprite. i've kept a few people updated with it's progress, but the goal is to get it done (with a working, playable and hopefully fun) by the end of the year so all my friends and people who have supported it so far can play it too. this game has also been the reason i've been pretty inactive pretty much everywhere currently!!

i'm getting sleepy so i'm going to end this update here. thank's for sticking around and i hope to create even more cool stuff in the future! peace